My beloved Slashdot has directed me to a NYTimes article by Douglas Quenqua (Published June 5, 2009). Douglas points to a 2008 survey by the Technorati that essentially states many (95%) of blogs go unattended. Left to the void of time and soon forgotten only to show up in usless google searches...
The oped goes on giving various examples of blogs come and gone and quite frankly are we supprised by this? Many people rant for a short time and then fade due to hopelessness or just shear lack of comments back. I've done varous searches for obsure topics and found hundreds of blogs with people who have limited feedback, bad spelling (I'm included in that one.), what turned out to be a shameless attempt to use Google adsence to make a buck.
I know I have personally started several blogs and somethings life just gets to busy to blog. Add in new technologies like Twitter and micro blogging and it makes since that typical blogs do not seem as active. Personally if I find myself posting a blog that is less than a paragraph then why bother? Twitter allows for the micro comments that make it much easier for people to give a comment with out using up lots of time.
Speaking of time, I think I've said enough. Blogging will stay for some time but look for many to persue micro-blogging.
The oped goes on giving various examples of blogs come and gone and quite frankly are we supprised by this? Many people rant for a short time and then fade due to hopelessness or just shear lack of comments back. I've done varous searches for obsure topics and found hundreds of blogs with people who have limited feedback, bad spelling (I'm included in that one.), what turned out to be a shameless attempt to use Google adsence to make a buck.
I know I have personally started several blogs and somethings life just gets to busy to blog. Add in new technologies like Twitter and micro blogging and it makes since that typical blogs do not seem as active. Personally if I find myself posting a blog that is less than a paragraph then why bother? Twitter allows for the micro comments that make it much easier for people to give a comment with out using up lots of time.
Speaking of time, I think I've said enough. Blogging will stay for some time but look for many to persue micro-blogging.
UPDATE: 2009.06.09
John Scalzi has a different take on NYT's article. In "The New York Times: We May Slide Into Irrelevancy But At Least We Update Daily" notes that the NYT has a slight grudge with the new media and is a decade late on noting that blogs come and go.
Well I agree that the old media simply missed the boat when it comes to the net. The old school newpapers were religated to irreliveance with Craig's List, eBay, blogs, and twitter. The cable news stations are doing a little better with addapting to the changing times but in many respects news print is dead in. This isn't to say that some papers havin't figured it out but many of the old hats will pass in the sands of time becoming afterthoughts or historical footnotes.